It's time to celebrate International Women's Day, now let's celebrate all year long!

Education is power and our goal this year is to empower women with a series of wellness  sessions that provide you with the information you need to make informed health choices that support you mentally, physically and emotionally. 

Let's tune out the chaos of daily life and tune into this wellness experience that leaves you with practical insights to empower your total health in so many ways! 



  • Are you looking for ways to minimize stress and optimize your total health?
  • Would you like to learn how to assess your emotional capacity and balance? 
  • Would it be helpful to discover those little things that contribute to breast health symptoms and hormonal imbalance?  
  • Are you looking to better understand and master your hormones for better health and well-being. 

If so, then this series of 1 hour virtual awareness session is designed for you.

Education is power and our goal with these sessions is to provide you with the information you need to make informed health choices that support the best version of yourself.

Each session shares practical tips on how to recognize and master body signals that impact women's total health

Click the link below to access the replays. 

Save My Spot! I Cannot Miss This!!

Be a Champion for Women's Holistic Health

Life is busy. Learn how to understand your body signals and pay attention to how you can take care of yourself in a whole new way! A portion of your registration fee goes to Naomi & Ruth Rehabilitation and Wellness Center for Women. 

Build Healthy Habits

No matter where you are on your journey of wellness, you'll learn how to make more room for daily holistic health practices. Empowered with information we can make better choices.

Give Yourself the Gift of Optimal Wellness

Learn how to hold space for yourself as you embrace awakening education and empowerment about your breast health and hormones.⁠

A 3 Part Series ~ Meet Our Wellness Experts

Empowering Your Mental Health

Chou Hallegra (aka the "Be Well" Lady)

 Are You Emotionally Bankrupt? Come learn how to make balanced withdrawals and deposits in your emotional bank. 

Chou is the founder and CEO of Grace & Hope Consulting, LLC, where she writes, trains, consults, and coaches to promote resilience, social-emotional learning, human potential, wellbeing and belonging for all.

She is a mental health and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) consultant with over a decade of experience. Chou completed a Master's in Human Services with a focus on Executive Leadership. With post-graduate training in Rehabilitation Counseling and as a licensed trainer in trauma-informed care, she has a wealth of experience delivering impact to individuals and families.  Chou has devoted her life to helping individuals and organizations alike to “Be well, do well, and work well!” More information about Chou’s work can be found at

I'm Ready To Learn More About Emotional Bankruptcy

Empowering Your Hormonal Health - Learn about root cause solutions

Lyndsay Wareham

Is a Naturopathic Doctor at East ND - a modern wellness clinic located in downtown Moncton. Lyndsay was born and raised in Moncton, and is happy to be growing a family and a career in her hometown. She is the mother of 3 children, and has provided breastfeeding support to new families through La Leche League Canada for 7 years. At the clinic, her areas of interest involve working with perimenopausal and menopausal women, busy and burnt-out parents, teens, and mental health. She loves to discuss everything from physical ailments to matters of the heart, and at the end of the day, she just wants people to feel their best!

Ashley Shea

Is a Naturopathic Doctor at East ND - a modern wellness clinic located in downtown Moncton. Ashley was born and raised in Riverview, and is excited to be back near family and the ocean after living in the big city for a few years. At the clinic, her interest involves working with children, teens and women going through life's transitional periods. Hormonal health is something she works with on a day to day basis. She loves to get to the root of your concerns and support the body as a system, while working within each individual's lifestyle.

Yes, I'm In! I Really Need Access to the Replay NOW!


Did you miss this amazing session?  It's not too late to catch the replay.  Click here to purchase a copy today!  

Certified Clinical Thermography

A daughter, sister, aunt, wife, mother, grandmother, friend….so many incredible titles and each with their own gift.

​When I see the continuing increase in breast cancer rates, the financial forecast of cancer drugs increasing in the billions and reading that of that $300+ billion in additional revenue they are projecting, the majority of that revenue is to come from Breast Cancer cases I can’t help but be more passionate about helping YOU take control of your health. You also are many of those blessed titles I speak of. You are NOT a number or a statistic!


Access All 3 Sessions and Get One Free!

Meet Your Host ~ Esther HEPHZIBAH

Most would describe me as a mother, coach,  purpose activator, and transformation catalyst. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are YOU!

Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from unnecessary pressure and start living a healthier and more fulfilling life.

After I experienced a major breast health scare few years ago, I became committed to empowering women's holistic health (spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health). 

When we work together, we change the narrative together!

Join us on a journey of  awareness and learning practical tips to optimize your total health.


What People Are Saying About These Awareness Sessions...

"As a woman who juggles a lot of responsibilities with self-care often taking the backseat, this was such an enlightening session that got me seriously thinking about lifestyle changes I’d like to make going forward.

I came away feeling empowered to start making small but significant adjustments whose cumulative impact can only create a healthier future self. Many women need to learn these preventative measures and keep advocating for their health!

~ Dr. Ruth O. 

"Thank you so much for the opportunity to learn alongside other women! It was so impactful and had really great, applicable information on women's health! I commit to daily exercises after  learning these insights about breast health! I highly recommend this invaluable experience to any woman who wants to take self-care to a new level!  

~ Angela W.

"Thank you Esther for inviting me to this very informative and engaging session! I found it really helpful and it made me realize how important it is to prioritize my health amid juggling so many responsibilities! 

Thank you for organizing it and a very special thanks to the awesome speaker! Kathryn was very knowledgeable and well versed on the topic.  I would definitely recommend this session to a friend!


~ Debbie A.



Join us for the opportunity to learn from the BEST and give yourself the GIFT of your BEST health! Webinar slots are very limited. Save your spot today!

 **Please note: This wellness session is ONLY for your awareness and not intended to treat, cure or diagnose. Please do your own research and consult with your practitioner before beginning any treatment protocol.